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Growing up and living in Weardale in the North East of England for most of my life has well and truly connected me to nature, conservation and wildlife. I spend most of my time in the uplands photographing whatever it has to offer. Over the years I have definitely become a birder! photographing any bird species is always my favourite hobby, learning their way of life, watching them raise chicks and telling the story for the wider public.

Imagery is an ancient way of communicating and telling stories and it remains as valid or more so today. Whether it be the beauty of a wild animal, the life of a community, a journey or adventure or the relationship between man and nature, my passion is to use imagery to tell such stories.

Travel is one of my other biggest passions and I am very lucky to work in the travel industry with some of my clients. Experiencing and capturing other cultures, communities and their way of life is a very special thing to be part of. Travel has also led to a passion in fishing which takes you to some incredible parts of the world, usually remote, which just adds to the experience.

To date I have worked in Alaska, Seychelles, Slovenia, Spain, UK, Iceland and Finland.


In 2021 I was lucky enough to win the Swarovski Optik Fieldsports Photographer of the year. The winning image was one of my conservation images, I was very happy to be able to raise more awareness for these amazing birds.


I am currently writing for Scribehound on a monthly basis alongside 29 other countryside writers, make sure you subscribe!!

I was also very happy to win both the Fly-Fishing and Conservation categories of this competition.